Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Ok, so my new favorite movie is "I Don't Know How She Does It" just highlights all that moms have going on and have to keep up with.  When the character's husband is asked what his wife does for a living...he says, "She's a juggler..."  LOVE IT!  So true of all of us moms... 

I have had a lot of heavy decisions lately, and I am hopeful and very optimistic that I will be able to juggle a little more smoothly.  I am losing weight (always makes me feel better--goal is 30 more lbs...11 so far!), AND I am hiring an afternoon nanny to help with picking up the girls, preparing meals, and helping me as I run them to/from evening activities.  My recent decisions with work have actually renewed my zest, career-wise, so I feel like it's all going to come together. 

If I am happy, then Madison and Bella will feed off that, right?  Even if I am not around 110% of the time?  I will never miss the big things, and work can come worries, no sweat...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bball starting...

Madison started her first basketball season playing for Weaver's Upward League...she had a blast and was smiling from ear to ear the whole time...

She was the first to break through the sign...didn't know quiet what to do :)

Atlanta Trip...

Between Christmas and New Years, Patrick and I took the girls to Atlanta for a family get-away...We stayed at the Ritz Carlton in Buckhead and visited the Zoo and Aquarium. 

Pics by Christmas tree at the Ritz

At the aquarium...

At the zoo...