Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Madison's 5th Birthday Party...

We had the party at Maw Maw and Paw Paw's, and had different water activities in the backyard...didn't go all out, just because all that we have been up to with unpacking, etc, but it turned out to be her best, most fun party yet... :)

Madison's Preschool Graduation

Tonight, Madison had her graduation from 4-yr old class at preschool. Most of the kids won't be there this summer, so it was like the end of their school year. She was so nervous about her part--she was the narrarator for one of their plays "Hey Twiddle Twiddle" :) She did great and was smiling and laughing the whole time :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

New puppy, no furniture, sleep deprived...

So, we got our new puppy Wednesday...I didn't end up getting both of them, since Patrick asked that I wait until Christmas to get another one. We still don't have our furniture/stuff yet, but it IS in Alabama...finally. Monday, it will be delivered here finally. Lastly, Bella has had a nasty cough, and waking up all night...2-3 hours of sleep last night...I am a zombie...but a happy one :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The girls new puppies...

Yes, puppies, plural...shihtzus...Patrick is not real happy about it, but says it's my responsibility...so....I couldn't imagine Madison having a puppy (that she would not share) and little Bella (loving animals as much as she does) not having one. So, poor Rocky is stuck with me and Patrick...

The small white one is Madison's...it's a boy, but will, no doubt, be named Sparkles or Lily and wear pink. The black and white one is Bella's...it's a little girl and will be called Oreo. Oreo is the biggest of the litter, so hopefully will be able to withstand Bella's "cuddles".

We don't pick them up until we get settled into the house, but we are taking the girls to meet them this weekend.

Painting the new house...

We still don't have our stuff here from Maine, but the painting is nearly finished. Madison's room--PURPLE, Bella's room--valentine's PINK, Kitchen--smokey gray, Kids' bath--pretty sea blue, Master bath--seafoam

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Afternoon with Grandma Joy...

While I went to look at puppies for the girls, Madison and Bella enjoyed the warmth with Grandma Joy. The water was freezing though...they even got a bunch of warm water from the house to add to the hose water for the pool...

Monday, May 2, 2011

New words...

Bella has been talking up a storm and adding new words daily. Some highlights below:

- "hey buddy"
- "yay down" when she wants me to 'lay down' next to her
- "ki ki" is what she calls her blanket
- "luv u"...been saying a little while but more and more clear now
- "aww cute" she actually said this as a little boy walked by her in Maw Maw and Paw Paw's yard today...
- "puppy"
- "kitty"
- "Seffi" is what she called Stephi when we were looking at her pictures

So cute and full of spit and vinegar....I can't take a break ever while she is awake...whew.....

Easter day...

We had a great Easter...it was so nice to have so many activities with family and friends on Easter Sunday. Below are some pictures...